
GEO Lift Test

Optimize your marketing investments through precise testing and advanced attribution. By combining techniques like Media Mix Modeling (MMM), attribution, and incremental experiments, GEO Lift tests provide a clear view of how each channel contributes to overall campaign performance.

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Why marketers should use GEO lift testing

Discover incrementality

Separate organic growth from additional sales or leads driven by your marketing efforts, ensuring investment in strategies that truly make an impact.

MMM & Attribution integration

Enhance your understanding of how different channels work together and contribute to overall success by complementing Media Mix Modeling (MMM) and attribution.

Data-Driven decisions

Base your strategies on real performance data, optimizing budget allocation to the most effective tactics and regions, while eliminating guesswork.

Encourage experimentation

Easily experiment with different strategies across various regions to discover what works best and fine-tune your marketing efforts.

Pinpoint seasonal impact

Understand the true impact of your marketing during peak seasonal periods, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday, by pinpointing the exact contribution of paid media.

Easier setup with modern tools

With the help of modern platforms and analytics tools, running GEO Lift experiments has become much more accessible, making it simple for marketers to incorporate testing into their strategies.

GEO lift with synthetic control: Building reliable test groups

The synthetic control method offers a smarter way to create control groups for GEO Lift tests.

Instead of selecting a single control group region, this technique combines data from multiple regions, assigning weights to match the characteristics of the treatment group before the test begins.

By starting with a treatment group (typically 10% of your target regions), synthetic control creates a more accurate baseline to measure the true impact of your marketing efforts.


  • Data Collection: Gather at least two months of data, segmented by region, before running the experiment. This provides a strong foundation for analysis.
  • Treatment Group: Select your treatment group, typically 10% of the overall regions you plan to test. This is where your marketing campaign will run.
  • Synthetic Control Creation: Rather than relying on a single control region, data from several regions are combined and weighted to mirror the characteristics of the treatment group, ensuring a more reliable and balanced comparison.
Geo Lifts GraphGeo Lifts Graph

Easily design and run GEO Lift Tests with Forvio

Application Showcase

Easy-to-Use experiment builder

Forvio’s intuitive interface allows marketers to create and launch experiments quickly. With just a few clicks, you can define the treatment and control groups, set timeframes, and initiate tests without the need for complex setup or technical expertise.

Easy-to-Use experiment builder

Auto-optimized experiment recommendations

Forvio intelligently recommends which marketing channels are best suited for Lift testing. Leveraging its extensive data on your channels, including ad spend, confidence intervals, and time series validation, Forvio evaluates the potential impact and determines whether a GEO Lift test is appropriate. This ensures that you focus your efforts on channels where lift testing will provide the most valuable insights, optimizing both time and resources.

Auto-optimized experiment recommendations

Automatic experiment quality score

Forvio automatically generates a matrix that displays experiment quality score based on different combinations of experiment duration (1 to 4 weeks) and holdout group sizes (10% to 40%). This allows users to quickly compare and identify the optimal settings for their experiment, helping them choose the duration and holdout group size that will deliver the most reliable results with the highest confidence.

Automatic experiment quality score

Automatic region splitting

Based on your selected experiment duration and holdout group size, Forvio automatically analyzes the optimal way to divide regions into three groups: Treatment, Control, and Excluded regions. This intelligent segmentation provides clear guidance on where to pause campaigns and where to keep them running, ensuring that your experiment is set up correctly. Past experiments are detected and excluded or replaced with synthetic data.

Automatic region splitting

Experiment evaluation and MMM calibration

Once the experiment is complete, Forvio provides detailed results that you can directly apply to calibrate your Media Mix Modeling (MMM). By incorporating experiment data, you can refine your models and improve future campaign forecasting.

Experiment evaluation and MMM calibration

Learn more

Forvio experiments
Forvio experiments